Wanna know what happened ? i freak out. i turn into a monster. i anoyed many people.but most of all , non of my real / fake / wannabe friends there for me to help me.Guess i dont have a real friend now. I used to have but i got carried away and not grateful to them.Alright, i used to have frends , amirul asyraf and azmi fahmi . They used to be there for me but now everything has change. Amirul went to boarding school and azmi, well he got famous and in love. You know what people say, because of  lover you lost a friend. So technically i used to live alone. Its sucks and feel like wanna die all the time but i have to continue with my life.to make it more stupid- once i even cut myself last year bcause of one of ma frend. Just because he ignore me. I feel so stupid now :( i love all my friends and i want them so bad. I wish i can turn back time.

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